9.15 arrival, refreshment find your space in the yurt

9.45-11 yoga practice gentle flow and meditation

11 - 11.30 break for snack and fresh superfood smoothie

11.30 -12.15 introduction to breathwork in the yurt

12.30 - 1.30 two course vegetarian lunch in dining room

14.00 guests depart


“Thank you for such a magical day. The yurt where we had our classes is a truly unique space and despite it being a chilly day the wood burner kept us wonderfully warm.

The yoga was uplifting yet grounding and did wonders for both my mind and body. Venetia's breathwork session was intriguing and I look forward to doing more classes so as to find a real connection within myself.

Lunch was delicious - beautifully prepared with freshly cooked locally sourced produce.

Claydon Courtyard Retreat is a beautiful, calm and private setting which is very professionally run by Nicole and Christine and  I can't recommend it highly enough. I stepped back into the outside work with renewed energy having met some very special people.” 

Sophia Talbot-Rice

“Claydon Courtyard is an oasis of calm and beauty in the cotswolds against a backdrop of low key chic interior design. you are warmly welcomed by Nicole and Christine. after a brief fireside introduction guests are led to the yurt for morning Vinyassa flow led by Ali Parkinson. after refreshments Venetia Shepherd the breathwork practitioner teaches us the importance of breathing into the root and guiding us in affirmations which used daily can contribute to a feeling of strength and calm. Lunch back in the house was instragram worthy a table laden with nutritious food. the retreat felt like a safe place you can experience an emotional unburdening, feeling lighter and stronger to face life’s challenges.”

Clare Capper

“I want to express my gratitude for the most uplifting and relaxing day spent at the beautiful Claydon Courtyard Retreat. From the wonderful yoga instruction and to a new experience for me, breathwork. the passion and knowledge both practitioners had for their craft was obvious and i felt very lucky to have met such a fantastic team that have seamlessly created a true retreat in every sense of the word. it was rejuvenating personally and nurturing for the soul. Thank you'“.

Jane Gordon.